Herbal Remedies For High Blood Pressure- Java Tea

High blood pressure (HBP) is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure,stroke,kidney failure, and other health problems. "Blood pressure" is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps out blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways.

About 1 in 3 adults in the United States has HBP. HBP itself usually has no symptoms. You can have it for years without knowing it. During this time, though, it can damage the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and other parts of your body.

This is why knowing your blood pressure numbers is important, even when you're feeling fine. If your blood pressure is normal, you can work with your health care team to keep it that way. If your blood pressure is too high, you need treatment to prevent damage to your body's organs.

Java Tea a herbal remedies that have been used traditional to cure high blood pressure in Asia.Java Tea has long been used in traditional medicine in South East Asia.

It is believed to have antiallergic, antihypertensive, antiinflammatory and diuretic properties. It is used as a remedy for arteriosclerosis (capillary and circulatory disorders), kidney stones and nephritis. It is also used traditonally for treating gout, diabetes and rheumatism. The leaves are also used as a diuretic and for treating catarrh of the bladder. A decoction prepared from the plant is used to eliminate stones in the bladder.

Java Tea (Orthosiphon Stamineus) is a medicinal herb trusted for many centuries for treating ailments of the kidney, bladder stone, urinary tract infection, liver and bladder problems, diabetes, rheumatism and gout. It is also used to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

Java Tea has a mild diuretic action, useful for flushing the kidneys and urinary tract. It also relieves spasms of the smooth muscle in the walls of the internal organs, making it valuable for gallbladder problems. Researchers have found it to be mildly antiseptic as well.

Java Tea began to interest researchers as early as the beginning of the 20th century when this plant was introduced to Europe where it became a popular herbal tea.

Scientific research on Java Tea has begun since 1970 (Van der Venn: Pharmaceutisch Weekblad), (Schmidt and Bos, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin/New York: Volatile of Orthosiphon Stamineus Benth, Progress in Essential Oil Research), (Massuda T: A Highly Oxygenerated Diterpene From Orthosiphon Stamineus, Tetrahedron Letter).

In Malaysia, research institutes such as the Institute of Medical Research and the Kuala Lumpur Hospital of the Malaysian Health Ministry are participating actively in conducting clinical study to prove the efficacy of Java Tea in treating kidney stone disease. The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Universiti Sains Malaysia contributes to the scientific research and development of Java Tea by conducting the extraction, quality control, standardization, pharmacological and formulation research.

In Japan, in a study on the antihypertensive substance in the leaves of Java Tea by the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama University, exhibited a continuous decrease in systolic blood pressure, a decrease in cardiac output and diuretic action in conscious stroke-prone hypertensive rats.

In Indonesia, the National Cardiovascular Center, has conducted a clinical observation on the effectiveness of the consumption of Java Tea traditional medicine by the wide population in treating hypertension.

The Java Tea Tree


Avocados is natural rich source of Vitamin E and a good source of potassium.It has useful amounts of vitamin B6 and also supply vitamin C, riboflavin and manganese. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are both antioxidant and therefore can help to prevent the free radical damage that might lead to certain cancers.

Potassium helps to control blood pressure as well as maintain a regular heart beat and a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B6 is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system.Low level of vitamin B6 may also be associated with morning sickness.

Avocados have high content of monounsaturated fatty acid, which taught to lover blood cholesterol level. However the weight watchers should beware because avocados may contain up to 400 calories per fruit.

The avocados also has the highest protein content of any fruit.Unlike most fruits, avocados start to ripen only when they have been cut from the tree. Thus, if you buy an unripe avocados, store it at room temperature for few days.

The avocado is also called the 'alligator pear' because of the color and texture of the leather-like skin. Depending on the variety, avocados can weigh anything from 8 ounces to 3 pounds!. The avocado flesh is hard when harvested and takes about six to nine days to ripen and soften to a buttery texture. It tastes like a cross between a hard-boiled egg yolk and butter.

Like banana, the density of avocado flesh is filling and acts as a digestible slow-burning fuel, providing energy for growing children. Because of its high carbohydrates and protein content, mashed avocado is the perfect nourishing food for babies who are beginning to take solids.

Avocado is a fruit that is often avoided because of its high fats content. Together with that perception, the numerous health benefits are also overlooked. It's time we take a good look at some of the healing virtues of this fruit:

Bad Breath: The avocado is one of the best natural mouth wash and a remedy for bad breath. It is effective in removing intestinal putrefactions or decomposition which are the real cause of a coated tongue and this unpleasant condition.

Beauty Aid: The oil extracted is widely used in preparation of beauty products. These include creams, cleansers and moisturizers to prevent the ageing effect of dehydration; bath oils, shampoos, scalp conditioner and hair tonic.

Cholesterol: An avocado contains oleic and linoleic acids that are effective in lowering the LDL cholesterol and increasing the healthy HDL cholesterol.

Alfalfa - The Father of All Food

Alfalfa known as the 'Father of all Food' received its name from the Arabs of Persia centuries ago.

Alfalfa leaves and sprouting seeds have been used for thousands of years as a nutritive tonic. Originally native to Asia, the herb was imported into the West by Darius, King of Persia (550-486 BC) during his battles in Greece. Roman writers are amongst those who commended it for its therapeutic actions.

Uses of Alfalfa
Alfalfa has therapeutic uses as both food and medicine. It is rich in vitamins, particularly A, B and C and also Vitamin K. It is believed to contain a higher mineral content than most grains and is a natural source of calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Alfalfa has therapeutic uses for a wide range of conditions.

These include:

Digestive System

  • As a tonic for the digestive system, increasing vitality.
  • It can stimulate appetite and promote weight gain in anorexia. Also may aid weight gain after surgical operation.
  • Stimulates peristalsis of the bowel and reduces constipation.
  • May alleviate dyspepsia, and be helpful in treating chronic ulcers.
  • Is believed to support the liver and alleviate anaemia.
  • Has been used traditionally in South Africa for its anti-diabetic activity. It may be helpful in the treatment of
    insulin-dependent diabetes.

Joints and Bones and Skin

  • Its high mineral content promotes healthy bones and teeth.
  • The high Chlorophyll content is believed to encourage the growth of connective tissue, beneficial in diseases such as arthritis.
  • Plant contents may aid tissue repair and be useful in the healing of wounds, varicose ulcers and abscesses.

Chlorella - The Age Fighter

Chlorella is a single celled fresh water algae with a history dating back more than two billion years. Chlorella is the most researche algae in the world and it has been studied by the Rockfeler Foundation, Carnegie Institute and NASA.

Chlorella is truly a natural food, whole, pure and complete. Called as Nature's Healer for its positive effects on health, the chlorophyll in chlorella help human body as useful blood builder which improve red blood cell count and corrects anemia.

Chlorella known as richest source of chlorophyll and as high as 7% of its total weigh. This led some to call chlorella the supreme whole food concertrate.Chlorella is by far is the richest source of chlorophyll avaiable for the human body.

Known as the most powerful cleansing agent found in nature, chlorophyll detoxifies the bowels, liver, kidney and bloodstream. It normalize the beneficial bowel flora, stimulates tissue regeneration and speeds the healing wounds and burns. It also assists in digestion, control calcium in the body and increase iron absorption. It best known for its deodorant properties.